Know Thyself

Power is Sharing Knowledge. Either Its about Fashion, Food, Heath, Travelling, or Education in a Simple and Easy to read and understand by anyone interested. Come to my world, here u get update on whats in whats out on all PR and Collab DM #befmflover Follow me on Instagram

Tuesday, 25 June 2019

Introduction to Quantitative Research Method - Part 2

Sunday, 23 June 2019

Introduction to Quantitative Research Method - Part 1

Wednesday, 19 June 2019

Difficult English Words
1. Accept v/s Except
Accept means to receive
Except means not including

2. A Lot v/c Alot
A lot means to a large extent
Alot is not an English word

3. All ready v/s Already
All ready means prepared
Already means by this time

4. Apart/ A part
Apart is to be separated
A part if to be joined with

5. Its v/s It's
Its the possessive form of it
It's is a contraction for It is.

6. Lie v/s Lay
Lie means to not say a truth
Lay is to put something in place

7. Your v/s You're
Your is a possessive adjective. it shows possession
You're stands for You are.

8.Precede v/c Proceed
Precede means to come before
Proceed is to move forward

9. Quote v/s Quotation
Quote means to cite
Quotation is the act of citing

10. Than v/s Then
Than is used with comparisions
Then means at that time, or next

11. Advise v/s Advice
Advise is a verb and means to recommend something
Advice is a noun and means recommendations about what to do

12. Allusion v/s Illusion
Allusion is an indirect reference
Illusion is a false perception of reality

13. Altogether/ Alltogether
Altogether means entirely
All together is applied to people or things treated as a group or gathered with everything in one place

14. Assent v/s Ascent
Assent means to express approval  or agreement
Ascent refers to an upward movement

15. Capital v/s Capitol
Capital is the city or town that is the seat of government
Capitol is the building in which the legislative assembly meets.

16. Counsel v/s Council
Council is the meeting for discussion or advice
Counsel means to give advice

17. Lead v/s Led
Lead means to guide someone towards something
Led is the past tense of lead

Saturday, 15 June 2019

Another Milestone Achieved by NWO

Friday, 14 June 2019


Wednesday, 12 June 2019

The Next Big Thing in Battery Transport Vehicles

Sunday, 9 June 2019

Benefits of LIME Juice

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