The story of Ibn Muljim (l.a.) has lessons. It highlights
the difference between superficial love and true love.
It was the period of the apparent caliphate of Ameerul
Momineen (a.s.). He had sent a governor to Yemen and ordered him to deal justly
with people. In the end, he also wrote to send ten trustworthy people for a special
task. The governor identified a hundred people and out of the hundred people he
selected the ten best people. Ibn Muljim (l.a.) was one of them. When they
reached in the presence of Ameerul Momineen (a), Ibn Muljim (l.a.) who was a
brave and eloquent person spoke to Imam on their behalf and recited poems in
the praise of Imam Ali (a). The gist of the poem was that it is an honor for us
that you have given us a chance to serve you. Behold, our swords are ready for
your enemies.
Imam Ali (a) called him near and asked “What is your name”
He said “Abdur Rahman”
He (a) asked “What is your father’s name”
He said “Muljim”
He (a) asked “Which clan do you have a place with”
He said “Muraad”
Imam Ali (a) asked him three times “are you Muraadi”. Ibn
Muljim (l.a.) replied “Yes! O Ameerul Momineen”
At that moment Hazrat (a) whispered “INNA LILLAHE WA INNA
At that point, Imam (a) asked him "Was your temporary
mother a Jew"
He said “my non-changeless mother belongs to a Jew, Genuinely"
He (a) asked “When you cried did say – O the one who is
worse than the killer of the camel of Hazrat Saleh”
He replied “Yes, it was so”
After sometime Ibn Muljim (l.a.) became ill and had no one
to take care (of him). Imam (a) personally attended him till he recovered. Ibn
Muljim (l.a.) was so captivated by the affection of Imam Ali (a) that he said:
“I will never go to anyone for his service and will always be for you”. Imam
Ibn Muljim (l.a.) asked: “Why are you reciting this verse?”
Imam (a) said: You are my killer”. Ibn Muljim (l.a.) was
surprised by these words. He was the lover of Imam Ali (a) and did not know
that Allah will test him in this manner. He hit his head and said “O Ameerul
Momineen (a) kill me right now so that this evil act does not happen”
Imam (a) said: You have not committed the crime yet, how can
I punish you? Ibn Muljim (l.a.) was in the army of Imam Ali (a) in the battles
of Jamal and Siffeen. In the battle of Neherwan when the Muslim army defeated
the Kharajites, Ibn Muljim (l.a.) requested Imam Ali (a) “if you permit me, I
wish to go to Kufa before you to give the good news of the victory to the
people”. Imam Ali Ameerul Momineen (a) asked “What is the reason for this”
He communicated, "I wish that Allah wraps up the substance
with me since I satisfied individuals through the reports on your triumph".
Imam Ali (a) granted him permission. He took the flag and left for Kufa. He
entered Kufa and started shouting “Good News – Good News”. In the same
condition, he reached near the house of Qutamah (l.a.). She was a very
beautiful and rich lady but at the same time, she was very immoral and corrupt
as well. As soon as she heard the news of the victory she called Ibn Muljim
(l.a.) and asked him about her father and brother. She took Ibn Muljim (l.a.)
to her house and treated him. Ibn Muljim (l.a.) lost his heart to her and lost
his religion and faith. Qutamah (l.a.) enquired about her father and brothers
who were part of the Kharijite army. He said that they have been killed and she
started crying. Ibn Muljim (l.a.) regretted on this statement.
Qutamah (l.a.) left for a while to another room, decorated
herself and returned. Ibn Muljim (l.a.) was attracted to her. Ibn Muljim (l.a.)
who was now taken over by lust lost control and proposed Qutamah (l.a.).
She communicated, "On the off chance that you need me
to pay my Mehr which is infuriating."
Ibn Muljim (l.a.) said “Whatever it is, I accept”
Qutamah (l.a.) said: “It is too much; a quantity of money,
jewelry, musk, perfume, amber and…”
Ibn Muljim (l.a.) said “and what”
Qutamah (l.a.) again left and went to another room and
decorated herself further. Ibn Muljim (l.a.) who was on the peak of lust and
desire asked: “what else?”
She said “the blood of Ali (a)”
Ibn Muljim (l.a.) was shocked and said “it is difficult but
give me a few days to think”
The next day a messenger from Yemen came to Ibn Muljim
(l.a.) and said “your father and your uncle have expired you are their heir. Go
and take the wealth.”
Ibn Muljim (l.a.) became happy that he has got the wealth
which he will throw at the feet of Qutamah (l.a.).
He came to Imam Ali (a) and said “My father and my uncle
have died. I wish that I go to my tribe. You please write a letter to the
authorities to help me get my inheritance.” Hazrat wrote a letter to him.
He left for Yemen. While on the way it became dark. He saw
fire at a distance. He thought to go there and spend the night near the fire.
As soon as he reached near the fire he heard the sound of jinns shouting that
the killer of Lion of Allah has come.
Ibn Muljim (l.a.) became frightened and started shivering.
The jinns started throwing stones at him and he had to leave the place without
resting. He left from there tired and exhausted.
With difficulty, he reached Yemen and gave the letter to the
governor there. The governor kissed the handwriting of Ali (a) and finished the
task quickly. Ibn Muljim (l.a.) took his wealth and returned to Kufa happily.
On the way, the robbers looted his clothes, his horse and all
his wealth. He started to wander in the desert. He met a caravan on the way and
got along with them. In the caravan, he became friends with two people. They
were from the Kharijites and shared the same thoughts. They said that we have
decided that we will kill Ali (a), Muaviya (la) and Amr Aas (la). As per this
group, these three were responsible for the division of Muslims. These two were
appointed to kill Muaviya (la) and Amr Aas (la) and Ibn Muljim (l.a.) was
appointed to kill Imam Ali (a).
He reached Kufa and straightaway went to the house of
Qutamah (l.a.). The wretched lady brought alcohol for him. He lost his senses.
He repeatedly requested Qutamah (l.a.) to marry him but she refused till the
time Ali (a) is not martyred. Ibn Muljim (l.a.) who was out of control said: “I
will go right now and kill Ali (a)”. She said “It cannot be like that. It needs
preparation”. She took his sword and gave 1000 dirhams to sharpen it and 1000
dirhams to poison it.
The next night, the wretched Ibn Muljim (l.a.) injured Ali
(a). Due to this injury the true successor of the Holy Prophet (s) left for
heavenly abode.
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